Any fraction can be multiplied by a whole number so that the product is a whole number. Simply multiply the fraction (in rational form) by its denominator.
how to write 6/9 as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction.
The question is ambiguous. Do you want to know how to multiply a fraction by a whole number, as well as by a mixed number? Or are you asking how to multiply a whole number by a mixed number and express the product as a fraction? Or what?
The mixed number consists of a whole number and a fraction. Multiply the denominator of the fraction portion by the whole number and to this product add the numerator of the fraction portion. This value is the numerator of the new improper fraction. The denominator of the new improper fraction is the same as the denominator of the original fraction portion of the mixed number.
the answer is smaller than the whole number because you're taking a fraction of the second number. it's like multiplying by a decimal.
a fraction cannot be a whole number
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
how to write 6/9 as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction.
It is the first whole number divided by the denominator of the unit fraction. This could be a whole number or a fraction.
round the fraction to the nearest whole number, then times the two whole number together
product of a fraction less than 1 and a whole number greater than or less than the whole Number
Write the product of the whole number and fraction numerator over the denominator. If it is an improper fraction you may need to reduce it.
You need at least two things to have a product. Two whole numbers won't multiply to create a fraction. A whole number and a fraction will. 3 x 1/2 = 3/2
Nothing happens to the whole number. But the product is less than the whole number. The product might be another whole number, and it might have a fractional part.
They are the same. If you write the whole number p in the form of the fraction, p/1, you would see absolutely no difference.
greater than
Just multiply the numerator by the whole number, and keep the same denominator. After you do that, chances are that you'll have to simplify the fraction to a mixed number.
If you express the whole number w, as w/1, then there is no difference whatsoever.