If the batteries have EXACTLY the same voltage, then nothing will happen, because there will be no voltage drop in the circuit, and hence no current. If the batteries have SLIGHTLY different voltages, then there will be a voltage drop in the circuit. Since there is low resistance, there might be high current, causing damage and/or an explosion. In all probability, however, there is enough internal resistance in the batteries to simply cause them to equalize in voltage.
The inequality symbol doesn't change direction in this case.Note that that is the same as adding a positive number.Note also that if you MULTIPLY or DIVIDE by a negative number, then you need to change the direction of the inequality symbol.
A large negative number. For example: -5-4=-9 You take the negative of the sum of the absolute values: -x-z = -(|-x|+|-z|) = -(x+z) As to what actually happens - some really rather abstract things to do with discrete mathematics.
In that case, the result will be smaller than your positive whole number.
The answer depends on the definition of F.
That number becomes an exponent. For example, 5 to the -2 power is 1/25
If you connect positive to positive and negative to negative you will have a 9V battery with twice the current capacity in milliampere hrs than a single batteries. The load then goes between positive and negative paralleled terminals. If you connect one negative of one battery to one positive of the other battery and put the load between the remaining negative and positive terminals you have created an 18 V battery with the same milliampere hr rating as a single battery. If you connect one negative to positive of other battery and the negative of that battery to the positive of the first battery then both batteries with quickly drain and get hot in the process. Contrary to folklore or urban lefends, they do not explode.
Nothing as long as you did not then connect the other cable.
You probably are going to have spend money fixing it.
Voltmeter will give you opposite readings or will not work at all.
Interconnecting Two 9 Volt BatteriesWhat happens "when hooking 2 9 volt batteries together" depends on HOW they are connected together. IF you connect the Negative terminals together, AND the Positive terminals together, then nothing happens other than creating a 9 volt battery capable of providing twice the current [measured in Milliamps (mA), or Amps (A)].On the other hand, IF the batteries are connected with the Positive terminals to the Negative terminals of the other, THEN you will have created a very serious and possibly hazardous condition!!!!!When connected in this manner, the full current of both batteries flows, basically a full short circuit condition, and both batteries will very quickly heat up to the point of self destruction, and very likely to explode.Even it they do not explode, they will certainly become hot enough to severely burn you, and start a fire if they are in near proximity to anything combustible.Therefore, DO NOT interconnect any batteries, with both of their Positive terminals to the other's Negative without a load [electricity using device within the the circuit] to limit the current flow.If you connect the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of the other and then put the load between the remaining positive and negative terminals on each battery you then have an 18 V battery. This is connecting the batteries in series.
What happens when you inadvertently crossed the positive battery terminal from a negative to a positive and a positive to a negative.?Read more: What_happens_when_you_inadvertanly_crossed_the_positive_battery_terminal_from_a_negative_to_a_positive_and_a_positive_to_a_negative.
Nothing happens to the vehicle if you connect the negative side first.But is is safer to connect the positive side first. Reason If the negative side is already connected and you put the positive side on you take a chance of touching a part of the body or radiator with your wrench while tightening it, causing the positive side to ground out. If your negative side is not connected yet and you touch the wrench to the body while tighting the positive side nothing will happen. So installing the positive side first reduces the chance of shorting the battery out which could cause the battery to explode.
Very Dangerous........it would be a dead short. andcouldcause a fire or explosion.
a negative divided by a negative is a positive
your battery will make a big spark or your battery could blow up.
Becomes a negative.
Dividing a negative number by a positive number results in a negative answer.