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I wonder why no one has answered this question..... HM? So why don't people answer this question?

But anyway I have had to find this question everywhere and no one seems to look for it. My mom told me to look for the answer and nobody has it..

So I'm wondering why does NOBODY have the answer to this question

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Q: What integer represents a change of -2 degrees per hour for 10 hours?
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What time is 180 degrees?

There are different possible answers. 180 degrees in he earth's orbit represents 6 months. 180 degrees in the moon's orbit represents around 14 days. 180 degrees in the earth's rotation, or around the earth's body represents 12 hours.

Nelia made a circle graph to represent her day of 24 hours if she works for 8 hours how many degrees is the sector that represents her work?

It would be 120 degrees.

How do you convert a fraction to degrees?

The answer will depend on how many degrees the whole represents. For example, the earth rotates through 360 degrees (a whole circle) in 24 hours. So 1 hour = 360/24 = 15 degrees. Therefore, a fraction, such as 1/3 hour represents 5 degrees.

How many hours between 6am and 9am?

3 + 24k hours where k is any integer.3 + 24k hours where k is any integer.3 + 24k hours where k is any integer.3 + 24k hours where k is any integer.

What does it mean when your slope is an integer?

Nothing particularly. All that it means is that your measurement units for the variables are such that a unit change in the horizontal axis is accompanied by a change of a whole number of units for the other variable. A integer gradient for a variable against time, when the latter is measured in seconds will be 1/3600 of that gradient when the time is expressed in hours - quite possibly that will be a non-integer. So what?

How many hours are Wednesday 3 PM to Friday 2 PM?

47 + 168k hours where k is any integer.47 + 168k hours where k is any integer.47 + 168k hours where k is any integer.47 + 168k hours where k is any integer.

The temperature dropped 2 degrees farinheight every hour for 6 hours what was the total number of degrees the temperature changed in 6 hours?

If the temperature dropped 2 degrees Fahrenheit every hour for 6 hours, the temperature would change 12 degrees. You multiply 2x6 to get the answer of 12.

How many hours is 1pm-10pm?


How many hour is 8 30 am to 4pm?

It is (7.5 + 24k) hours where k is an integer.

How many hours is 8am -3pm?

It is 7 + 24k hours where k is an integer.

How many hours is 4 to 10?

(12k + 6) hours where k is an integer.

What causes the change from day to night on earth?

The Earth spinning. It spins 360 degrees in 24 hours.