.9999999... will ultimately approach 1, therefore the fraction is 1/1 or, simply 1.
It's converted into a fraction because since it repeats, if you round it or cut it off after a certain point, it doesn't have the same value.
It would be from 1111111 to 9999999, and because 9999999 - 1111111 = 8888888, the answer is 8888888.
The same way as proper ones. Find a common denominator, add the converted numerators, simplify if possible.
0.636363... ( recurring to infinity) is a RATIONAL number. It can be converted to a ratio/fraction. Let P = 0.636363... & 100P = 63.636363.... Subtract 99P = 63 P = 63/99 ( A ratio/fraction). Cancel down by '9' P = 7/11 The simplest form .
what is the 0.0625 converted as a fraction
9999999 = 9,999,999
56.4 converted in to a fraction is 273/5.
4 converted into a fraction = 4/1
0.65 converted to a fraction in lowest terms is 13/20
0.00046 converted to fraction = 46/100000 or 23/50000
286.12 converted into an improper fraction in its lowest terms is 7153/25
8.5% converted to a fraction in lowest terms is 17/200
11 percent converted into a fraction and simplified is 11/100
It is: 34/25 in its simplest form
the fraction is 1428571428/10000000000