To convert 12.08 to a mixed number, we first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number is 12, and the decimal part is 0.08. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we divide 0.08 by 1 (the denominator is always 1 for the decimal part) to get 8/100. Therefore, 12.08 as a mixed number is 12 8/100 or simplified to 12 2/25.
Well, let's think about this in a calm and simple way. To turn 12.08 into a mixed number, we first need to see how many whole numbers are in 12.08. That's 12. Then, we look at the decimal part, .08, which we can write as 8/100. So, 12.08 as a mixed number is 12 8/100, which simplifies to 12 2/25.
mixed numbers
Change it into a mixed number then take the reciprocol of it.
It is 76 and 3/100 as a mixed number
The mixed number for 5.425 is 5 (17 over 40)
You can't have a mixed number if it's less than 1.
1208 = MCCVIII
408006 subtracted by 1208 = 406798
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*2*151 = 1208 or as 23*151 = 1208
The phone number of the Brazoria Historical Museum is: 979-388-1208.
HBO office phone system number is : 212-512-1208
1208/100=12.08 =1%; 10 %=120.8
We can delete Nokia 1208 Games by using data cable
A mixed number
The phone number of the Old Six Mile Museum is: 618-877-1208.
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.