75 over 200 = 75 divided by 200 = 0.375
Divide both the numerator and denomonator by 25, the greatest common factor. 75 divided by 25 = 3 200 divided by 25 = 8 therefore, 75/200 = 3/8
7,200 divided by 75 is 96.
Not evenly. 200 divided by 125 equals 1 with a remainder of 75.
You have to use the Time Distance and Speed method and do 200 divided by 75 which is 2.67 (rounded) 2 hours, 40 minutes
75% means 75/100 = 0.750.75 * 200= 150=====
x*200 = 75/100 so x = 75/20000 = 0.00375x*200 = 75/100 so x = 75/20000 = 0.00375x*200 = 75/100 so x = 75/20000 = 0.00375x*200 = 75/100 so x = 75/20000 = 0.00375
75 out of 200 in a percentage is 37.5%.