8/27 is in simplest form since 27 does not go into 8. The easy way to write a fraction is simplest form is to write the numerator and the denominator in factored form, cancel out all the common prime factors and then multiply the what is left. So 8/27= 2x2x2/3x3x3 and we see there are no common prime factors so it is already in simplest form.
8/125 is already in simplest form.
8/21 is already in simplest form.
Figure it out! Do they have common factors? No! So it's already in the simplest form! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ That answer is wrong. 8/8=1, 1000/8=125, so 8/1000 in simplest form is 1/125.
The improper fraction 8/4 is 2 in simplest form.
It is: 8/10 = 4/5 in its simplest form
8/27 is in its simplest form.
8 over 9
8/108 = 2/27
The answer is " 8/9 " OR " 8 over 9 ".
8/54 = 4/27
27/72 = 3/83/8
It is: 56/119 = 8/17 in its simplest form
32/108 = 8/27