3 x 10^10 is equal to 30,000,000,000. (30 billion)
2 times 2 to the power of 30 is 2,147,483,648.
3 to the 7th power times 3 to the 3rd power equals 59,049
6 to the power of 6 minus 3 to the power of 3 = 46,629
1000 = 1X 10(to the power of 3) 500 = 5 x 10(to the power of 2) 30 = 3 x 10(to the power of 1) 3 = 3 x 10(to the power of 0)
3 times 10 to the first power = 30
303 = 27,000
30 + 3-2 = 10/9
-30 is the same as -(30) based on the order of operations. 30 is 1 and the opposite of it is -1. (-3)0 is taking the whole expression to the 0 power. Anything to the 0 power is 1.
0 0
30 x -3 = 1 x -3 = -3
3.107 = 30 million.