(5x1000) + (3x100) + (1x10) + (4x1)
To change meters to centimeter multiply by one hundred So 3x100 =3000cmThe above maths is incorrectcorrect answer is 300cm, not 3000cm.
352.83 = (3 x 100) + (5 x 10) + (2 x 1) + (8/10) + (3/100)
1x300 2x150 3x100 4x75 5x60 6x50 10x30 12x25 15x20
2374 =(2x1000) + (3x100) + (7x10) + (4x1)2000 + 300 + 70 + 4
300.4 =(3x100) + (0x10) + (0x1) + (4x1/10)300 + 0 + 0 + 4/10
.12 _ __3_ 100 = 25 3x100=300 divided by 25 = 12 move decimal
you cant, but the dealer can.
529 x 1000 + 3x100 + 78 is 529000 + 378 = 529378
1300 =1000 + 300 + 0 + 01(1000) + 3(100) + 0 + 0(1x1000) + (3x100) + (0x10) + (0x1)Alternatively, you can leave out the placeholders/zeroes (0)
The number of years of cropping multiplied by 100, and divided by the number of years of the rotation. It is expressed as 'R', e.g., 3 years crop, 7 years fallow = 10 year rotation. Thus R = (3x100)/10 = 30