Well, darling, 6 times 10 to the negative 3rd power is 0.006. It's as simple as that. Math doesn't have to be complicated, sugar.
10 the the negative 6 power= 0.000001
6 to the negative 8th power equals 5.9537418076512726718488035360463e-7
No but - - 6 = 6
Well, darling, 6 times 10 to the negative 3rd power is 0.006. It's as simple as that. Math doesn't have to be complicated, sugar.
it is equal to 1/5^6 which equals 0.000064
(2)-3 = 1 / 23 = 1/8 = 0.125
-65(10) = 808,281,277,464,764,060,643,139,600,456,536,293,376
10 the the negative 6 power= 0.000001
-12 minus -6 is -6
0 minus negative 6 is equal to 6.
6 to the negative 2nd means that it equals 1 over 6 to the negative 2nd.