

What is 81 times pi?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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81 x 355/113 = 254.47 to 2 places of decimals

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Q: What is 81 times pi?
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In every circle . . .Area = (pi) x (radius)2Diameter = 2 x radiusCircumference = (pi) x diameterIn this circle, Area = (pi) R2 = 81R2 = 81/piR = sqrt( 81/pi )Diameter = 2 x sqrt( 81/pi )Circumference = (pi) x 2 x sqrt( 81/pi ) = 2 x sqrt( 81 pi ) = 18 sqrt(pi) = 31.9042 (rounded)

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Area of circle: 81*pi square units

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3.14 x 81 = 254.34

How do you find the radius of a circle if area is 81 pi?

Divide the 81 pi by pi, then square root it. (Use the formula for area of circle, which gives 81pi=pi*radius squared, but rearrange to find the radius). i.e. it's the square root of 81

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If: pi*radius2 = 81*pi sq ft Then: radius = 9 feet Circumference = 2*pi*9 = 56.549 feet rounded to 3 decimal places

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The Egyptians used 256 divided with 81 to calculate pi.

What times equals 81?

How about: 9 times 9 = 81 or 81 times 1 = 81

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648pi. (pi = 3.14159...)Area of a circle = (pi) x (radius squared)= (pi)(9 squared) = (pi)81.Area of a cylinder = area of circle x height.= (pi)81 x 8= 648(pi)

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25.7831 (to 4 dp)