Nine divided by 40 is .225 or two hundred twenty five thousandths.
9/11 = 9 ÷ 11 = 0.8182
0.225 First we note that there are 3 decimal place. So place the decimal over '1.000'; note the three zeroes. Hence 0.225/1.000 Cancel down the decimal point 0225/1000 Drop the prefix 'zero'. 225/1000 We note that that both the numerator and denominator end in '0' & '5' , so it will cancel down by '5' Hence 225/1000 = 45/200 Similarly 45/200 = 9/40 Since there are no common factors between '9' & '40' , the fraction will not cancel down any further . So 0.225 = 9/40
9/10 minus 7/8 is 1/40
2/9 + 1/3 = 2/9 + 3/9 - Note the equivalence of the fraction 1/3 & 3/9 Add the numerators 5/9 The Answer . 5/9 = 0.555.... ( recurring to infinity as a decimal).
9 and -40 9 + -40 = -31 9 x -40 = -360
82 and 9 over 40 as a decimal = 82.225 82 9/40 = 82 + (9 ÷ 40) = 82 + 0.225 = 82.225 l
9/40 = 9 ÷ 40 = 0.225
divide 40 by 9, answer is 4.4444
40 over 360 is equal to 1/9. As a decimal, this recurs, and is 0.1111111111.......
7/8 + 9/10 Easy in decimal, .875 + .9 = 1.775 35/40 + 36/40 = 71/40 = 1 and 31/40
Five over 40 as a decimal is 0.125.
25 over 40 as a decimal is 0.625.
3 and 11 over 40 as a decimal is 3.275
In math 40 over 66 written as a decimal is 0.60606060606060.