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a Ring is called Gaussian Ring if: R is an Integral Domain. R is a Unique Factorization Domain (UFD), i.e. every non-zero non-unit element in R can be written as a product of irreducibles of R and The factorization into irreducibles is unique up to the order of the multiplication or the associates of the factors. Hope this has helped anyone Sagy

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Q: What is Gaussian ring?
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What is the difference between gauss elimination and gauss Jordan?

Gaussian elimination as well as Gauss Jordan elimination are used to solve systems of linear equations. If, using elementary row operations, the augmented matrix is reduced to row echelon form, then the process is called Gaussian elimination. If the matrix is reduced to reduced row echelon form, the process is called Gauss Jordan elimination. In the case of Gaussian elimination, assuming that the system is consistent, the solution set can be obtained by back substitution whereas, if the matrix is in reduced row echelon form, the solution set can usually be obtained directly from the final matrix or at most by a few additional simple steps.

How do you prove a Ring to be commutative?

To prove a ring is commutative, one must show that for any two elements of the ring their product does not depend on the order in which you multiply them. For example, if p and q are any two elements of your ring then p*q must equal q*p in order for the ring to be commutative. Note that not every ring is commutative, in some rings p*q does not equal q*p for arbitrary q and p (for example, the ring of 2x2 matrices).

What is the answer to the analogy ring is to sting as bee is to what?

Ring is to sting as bee is to tree (or see or any other rhyming word).

What does FS mean on a 10k ring?

I have a very old gold colored ring with a clear stone that has fs 4 k inside? what does that mean? what could the stone be? It is not a diamond but the Gold is real and looks like my 14 k ring..

In statistics what is the fundamental assumption?

You may be referring to the Central Limit Theorem.The Central Limit Theorem states that if you draw a large enough random sample from any population with a finite variance, the distribution of that sample will be approximately Normal (i.e. it will follow a Gaussian, or classic "Bell Shaped" pattern).

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What is gaussian filter in term of image processing?

the gaussian filter is also known as Gaussian smoothing and is the result of blurring an image by a Gaussian function.

What do you mean by gaussian?

The Gaussian distribution is the same as the normal distribution. Sometimes, "Gaussian" is used as in "Gaussian noise" and "Gaussian process." See related links, Interesting that Gauss did not first derive this distribution. That honor goes to de Moivre in 1773.

Autocorrelation Characteristics of Super-Gaussian Optical Pulse?

autocorrelation characteristics of super gaussian optical pulse with gaussian optical pulse.

How do you get symmetric Gaussian curve?

when the signals are symmetric then this signals are gaussian In statistics, the Gaussian curve, also known as the Normal curve, is symmetrical.

What is the difference between white Gaussian noise and additive white Gaussian noise?

A Gaussian noise is a type of statistical noise in which the amplitude of the noise follows that of a Gaussian distribustion whereas additive white Gaussian noise is a linear combination of a Gaussian noise and a white noise (white noise has a flat or constant power spectral density).

Where can one get a Gaussian Copula?

There are many places where one can get a Gaussian Copula. One can get a Gaussian Copula at popular on the web sources such as Wired, UCL Finds, and SPS.

What four shapes have formulas which include the symbol pi?

A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.A circle,An ellipse, A sphere,A normal (Gaussian) distribution.

Which is more efficient for solving linear systems gaussian elimination or cramer's rule?

Of course, Gaussian Elimination!

What is Gaussian Model?

The Gaussian probability density distribution (pdf) is referred to as the Normal distribution. The Gaussian model results in a Gaussian pdf. Interesting, it didn't come from Gauss, but de Moivre, one of the greatest mathematicians of the 18th century, at least in my opinion. See related links.

Why is the normal probability distribution called a family of normal probability distribution?

Because very many variables tend to have the Gaussian distribution. Furthermore, even if the underlying distribution is non-Gaussian, the distribution of the means of repeated samples will be Gaussian. As a result, the Gaussian distributions are also referred to as Normal.

What is gaussian frequency curve?

The Gaussian curve is the Normal distributoin curve, the commonest (and most studied) of statistical distributions.

What is the use of gaussian elimination in education world situations?

Gaussian elimination is used to solve systems of linear equations.