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Suppose A is a subset of S. Then the complement of subset A in S consists of all elements of S that are not in A.

The intersection of two sets A and B consists of all elements that are in A as well as in B.

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Q: What is a complement subset and intersection of sets?
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What are the different sets operations?

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BASIC OPERATION ON sets in college algebra?

The basic operations on sets are union, intersection, complement.

What is a intersection subset?

The intersection of two sets, X and Y, consists of all elements that belong to both X and Y.

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union, intersection, complement, and symmetric difference.

What are operations of sets?

union of sets,intersection of sets,difference of sets,ordered pair,ordered n-touples,cartician product of setThe basic operations are union and intersection. The complement of the set is also a basic operation.

What are the operations of the sets in college algebra?

The operations areunion,intersection,complement,contain andbeing contained.

What is a complement of a subset?

The complement of a subset B within a set A consists of all elements of A which are not in B.

Prove A union C minus B minus C equals A minus B union C?

This is really a version of deMorgans that states the complement of the intersection of any number of sets equals the union of their complements.We prove it in general and this is a specific case.Take x contained in the complement of the intersection of all sets Aj that is to say x is not in the intersection of all Aj . Now there must be at least one set that does not contain x since if all sets contain x then x would be in their intersection as well. Call this set A. Since x is not in A, x must be in the complement of A. But then x is also in the union of all complements of Aj , because A is one of those sets. This proves that the right hand set is contained in the left one.We now prove it the other way, that is to say, the left hand side is contained in the right. Remember that if A and B are sets and A is contained in B and B is contained in A we can say that as sets A=B.Consider x contained in the union of all complements of Aj . That means there is at least one complement that contains x, or in other words, at least one of the Aj does not contain x. But then x is not in the intersection of all Aj , and hence it must be in the complement of that intersection. That proves the other inequality, so both sets must be equal.

What is a universal subset?

The universal subset is the empty set. It is a subset of all sets.

Which set is a subset of every set?

The empty set is a subset of all sets. No other sets have this property.

If a is not a subset of b and b is not a subst of a then find out the false statement from the following?

a is intersection b and b is a subset

What is the difference between improper subset and equal sets?

There is no difference between improper subset and equal sets. If A is an improper subset of B then A = B. For this reason, the term "improper subset" is rarely used.