A number that isn't a Prime number. A composite number can be divided by one, itself and other numbers too.
EX: 50 is a composite number.
In math, there are two types of numbers: prime and composite. A number is prime if it has no factors other than 1 and itself. 57 is composite, because it has two factors, 19 and 3. 19x3=57
Try dividing it by 5....
38 is a composite number
It is a composite number.
It is a composite number.
Composite numbers have three or more factors.
Yes it is
it helps by improveing math skills.
It is composite
its a composite numbe
A math teacher is the job that uses prime and composite numbers.
A composite number has a partner.( Is an even number.) A prime number is a loner.( Is an odd number) :(
composite even deficient
prime and composite