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Q: What is a constant value that are not coefficients of variables to equations?
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How do you do simaltanues equations?

Equate the coefficients and subtract or add to find the value of the the given unknown variables.

Is eliminating variables from equations equal to find the value of the variables?

No, but eliminating variables is one of several ways to find the value of variables in a system of equations.

How do you solve a system of equation with 3 equations and 3 variables?

If you know matrix algebra, the process is simply to find the inverse for the matrix of coefficients and apply that to the vector of answers. If you don't: You solve these in the same way as you would solve a pair of simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns - either by substitution or elimination. For example, change the subject of one of the equations to express one of the variables in terms of the other two. Substitute this value into the other two equations. When simplified, you will have two linear equations in two variables.

What is of system of equations?

It is essentially a list of equations that have common unknown variables in all of them. For example, a+b-c=3 4a+b+c=1 a-2b-7c=-2 would be a system of equations. If there are the same number of equations and variables you can usually, but not always, find the solutions. Since there are 3 equations and 3 variables (a, b, and c) in this example one can usually find the value of those three variables.

How do you evaluate equations?

To evaluate means to find the value. Substitute the values of the variables and calculate the value. [You may need to solve for the values of the variables first.]

What do you call finding the value of the variables that make equations true?

Solving the equation.

How do you solve simultanious equations?

By eliminating or substituting one of the variables in the two equations in order to find the value of the other variable. When this variable is found then substitute its value into the original equations in order to find the value of the other variable.

What is constant variable in c?

Constant variables refers to those variables whose values cannot be changed. These variables should be initialized along with their declaration. Attempt to change the value of a constant variable will generate compile error. The syntax for declaring a constant variable is:const data-type variableName = value;

When you have two linear equations how do you know when they are all real numbers?

The answer depends on what are meant to be real numbers! If all the coefficients are real and the matrix of coefficients is non-singular, then the value of each variable is real.

What is solving equations about?

It is about finding a value of the variable (or variables) that make the equation a true statement.

How do you determine the values of x and y in a linear equation in two variables?

There are 4 ways to do it. You can graph, use substitution, use elimination, or use matrices. Graphing: Graph the two equations and the coordinates where they intersect are the answer. Substitution: Solve one of the equations for one of the variables and substitute that in the other equation. Then you'll find the value of that variable and you can substitute that and get the other variable. Elimination: Make the coefficients of one of the variables opposites of each other and then add both equations. The opposites will cancel and you have the other variable. Then when you find that variable, find the other one by substituting the number for that variable in one of the equations. Matrices: Make sure both equations are in standard form (Ax+By=C). Then make a 2x2 matrix that has the coefficients of x in the left column and the coefficients of y in the right column and each equation gets its own row. Then make a 2x1 matrix with the C values. Put the C value of the equation you put at the top at the top and the other one at the bottom. Then multiply the inverse of the 2x2 matrix by the 2x1 matrix and you'll get a 2x1 matrix with x at the top and y at the bottom.

How solve systems of equations?

The answer will depend on the nature of the equations and the level of your knowledge.Probably the simplest way to deal with a general problem is to do it graphically. As long as you can calculate the values of the equations, you can plot them and the solutions are a subset of the points of intersection.If the equations are all linear and do have a solution then inverting the matrix of coefficients is probably simplest way. In some respects this is likeselecting one equation,using it to express on variable in terms of the others,substituting the expression for that variable in all the other equations.That reduces the number of equations and variables by one. Continue until you have just one variable whose value you can determine. Substitute this value in one of the last two equations and you will then have two known variables. Go back up the line until you have them all.