1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 18, 21, 28, 36, 42, 63, 84, 126, 252
The highest common factor of the numbers 294, 252 and 210 is 42.
You multiply 126 x 2 = 252
252/7 = 36
252 = 4*7*9 Sqrt(252) = 6*Sqrt(7), or 6*(7).5
No, 2 is a factor of 252. 252 is a multiple of 2.
No because its largest even factor is itself 252
The greatest common factor of 252 and 300 is 12.
252 - 11 = 241, which is a prime.
The GCF of 210, 252, and 294 is 42
Yes, it is, since 7 x 36 =252. This means that 36 is also a factor.
252 126,2 63,2,2 21,3,2,2 7,3,3,2,2
252 = 4 x 63
252 126,2 63,2,2 21,3,2,2 7,3,3,2,2
252 126,2 63,2,2 21,3,2,2 7,3,3,2,2
252 126,2 63,2,2 21,3,2,2 7,3,3,2,2
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 90, 120, and 252 is 6.