It is possible to give an example of non-linear, but I have no idea what a non-example is. Is a non-example of linear a curve. That would be my first thought but not sure
sour and sweet
A non-repeating decimal is a decimal that never repeats itself. For example, pi is a non-repeating decimal.
A banana is a non-example. Having just that bit of information tells you absolutely nothing about the position of anything else.
non --- Evaporation is reversible by condensation, lowering the temperature.
puddles that dust came from rain
Evaporation is used effectively in an evaporation cooler.
Evaporation in a puddle in a deserted area where there is no immediate need for the water evaporating would be an example of evaporation that is not useful to us.
Evaporation is slow vaporization of a liquid and the reverse of condensation. An example is when it rains there are puddles on the ground, but then they suddenly dissapear, this is called evaporation, because the water molecules have evaporated and gone into the autmosphere, and the start to form into clouds, then after this proccess of evaporation happens we now have the process of Condensation which in other words mean that after the water evaporated demostration evaporation making little/big clouds in the sky now the cloads will have rain and the water that dried will be rain, snow, hail, or other things in which water is used. And so the process of evaporation and condensation will continue all over again.
is is evaporation
It is a physical process.
It is a simple evaporation.