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.The series of steps that result in the solution to a problem is called the solving process. The first step in the process is identifying the cause

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Q: What is a series of steps that results in the solution to a problem?
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What is the sequence of steps necessary to solve a problem?

Understand the problem by reading it carefully and clarifying any uncertainties. Plan a solution by breaking down the problem into smaller tasks or steps. Execute the plan by following the steps you've identified. Evaluate the solution to ensure it addresses the problem effectively and make adjustments if needed.

What is a series of steps that is used to answer question or solve a problem?

It is a Scientific Method.

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Defining a problem, developing possible solutions to solve the problem, arriving at the best solution, and implementing it.

What is series of steps that scientists use to figure out a problem called?

The Scientific Method.

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They are the series of steps in the scientific method.

Is a series of logical steps that is followed in order to solve a problem?

Scientific method

A series of steps followed to solve problems?

A process is a series of steps to follow in order to solve a problem or complete a task.

What are some steps after coming up with a solution?

If you mean for a math problem, after coming up with a solution you should usually check the solution in the original equation, to be safe.

What are the steps to scientific inqury?

problem, hypothesis, materials, procedures, observations/results, conclusion. explain

What are the four universal steps used by people to solve problems?

1.Identifying the problem 2.Developing the solution 3.Evaluating the solution 4.communicating the solution