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A square or rectangle has all right angles.

More complex shapes can also have all right angles, notably forms such as the outline "cross" (e.g. Red Cross), which is an irregular dodecagon having twelve sides. The Greek cross is equilateral, the Latin cross is not.

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Q: What is a shape with all right angles?
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Which shapes angles are all right angles?

A square shape for example has 4 right angles and a right angle is 90 degrees.

What shape has 4 equal right angles?

All right angles will be equal as they are all 90O. Shapes that have 4 right angles will be rectangles (which include squares).

What is a shape with all right angles And is not a square?

a rectangle

What shape has4 right angles?

A shape that has four right angles is a rectangle. If all four sides are equal in length, then it is a square.

All angles are right angles but all sides are not equal?

You don't tell us enough information. In a square, there are four sides and four angles. The sides are all equal and the angles are all right angles. In a rectangle, there are four sides and four angles The opposite sides are equal and the angles are all right angles. There is no other shape in which all angles are right angles.

How do you work out number of right angles in a 3d shape?

you work out the number of right angles on each face of the shape. when ur done then add up all the number of right angles form each face

What is a shape that has all equal angles and 4 congruent sides?

A shape with 4 right angles and 4 equal sides is a square. ==========================

Does a parallelgram have all right angles?

It depends. Most parallelograms don't have all right angles. However, there is a special type of parallelogram that has all right angles. You probably know this shape by its proper name, a rectangle.

What is the name of a six sided shape with all right angles?

It is impossible to have a six sided shape with right angles since the lines would never meet, therefore it would not create a shape. The most right angles you can have in a shape is four. A six sided shape is called a hexagon. There are Regular Hexagons, meaning all the sides and all the angles are equal. Any other Hexagon with unequal sides and angles and called Irregular Hexagons. Each side must be straight, and the sum of the angles equaling 720°.

What is the maximum number or right angles possible in a quadrilateral shape which is not a square?

All quadrilateral have four angles. It is possible that all four angles are right angles, even if the quadrilateral is not a square (this would be a rectangle).

What shape is a polygon and quadrangle and all the sidesare the same length none of the angles are right angles?

It is a rhombus

What shape has five lines of symmetry no right angles or obtuse angles and all sides of equal length?
