A variable in math is part of algebra and it is a symbol or letter that represents a number.
variable equation solve it test it
OK, say you have a variable like X. 3X 3 is the variable X's coefficient
degree is the power of variable.. in polynomial it is the highest power of the variable, in differential equations it is the highest derivative, etc..
the number with the variable. For example, in 6x, the coefficient is 6.
a variable expression in math is a symbol that is in a sentence
A variable alone in math, as in 3y2 x n3 = 3y2n3 means to manipulate the lone variable by the factors afecting it.
a variable
variable equation solve it test it
any number at all
A variable is an unknown number represented by a letter
It is a variable
a variable.
There is no term other than independent variable.
A variable declaration is a math or programming term. A variable is an unnamed component. In the problem the wording will declare what the value of the variable is.
The number that is multiplied to a variable.