The answer is irrational and the only way to give an exact value is to give it as 13200*sqrt(6) ft.
De nade is not a real Spanish phrase. This is probably meant to say "De nada." This means "of nothing" or "for nothing". However "De nada" by itself in response to a "thank you"/"Gracias" means "You're Welcome" The Spanish word "De" means "of" or it could means "[You] give" as a form of the word "Dar" The Spanish word "Nade" (form of Nadar) means "[you] swim" The Spanish word "Nadé" (form of Nadar) means "[I] swam" The Spanish word "Nada" means "Nothing" or (form of Nadar) "[he/she/it] swim(s)"
using a calculator.
The exact value is an irrational number, and can't be written on paper with digits.0.34202 is less than 0.000042 percent wrong.Cos(70 deg) is an irrational number and it is impossible to give its exact value.
the DIfference is that give it to me mneans do not give to anybody else. THe give me it means you can give it anybody else. But give to me first.
The word that means to give permission is "authorize."
The word you are looking for is "radiate." To radiate means to give off heat or energy in the form of rays or waves.
The term 'word for word' means an exact quotation of the original.A bit more:"Verbatim" also means word for word.
I can give you the exact meaning of supercalifragilisticexpialidocous. It means a word you say when you don't know what to say.Wow, it took me forever to get the spelling so the dictionary recognized it. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is defined as a nonsense word meaning fantastic.
The word "waver" means to hesitate or give way.
Verbatim means to say the exact words that were said by someone else.
If you mean precise. It means to be exact. marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail
gift means to give away.
It means, "The exact words". or quoted word for word.Verbatim means word for word or exactly the same words, no paraphrasing.