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-1 is the additive inverse of 1.

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Q: What is additive inverse of 1?
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The additive inverse means what undoes adding. The additive inverse of +1 is -1.

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Since subtraction is the inverse function of addition, the additive inverse of one half is minus one half.

What are the additive and multiplicative inverses of 5.42?

The additive inverse of a number a is the number -a because a + (-a) = 0. For 5.42, the additive inverse is -5.42 because 5.42 + (-5.42) = 0. The multiplicative inverse of a number a is the number 1/a because a(1/a) = 1. For 5.42, the multiplicative inverse is 1/5.42 = 0.1845.

What is the additive inverse of .5?

The additive inverse for a number is its negative value. The sum of an integer and its additive inverse is zero. For the example (5), the additive inverse would be (-5).

What are opposites in algebra?

usually this means positive numbers and their negative counterparts. The opposite of a number is its additive inverse. The sum of a number and its opposite is zero. (This is sometimes called the property of opposites, or additive inverse property). Example: -999 + 999 = 0; therefore -999 and 999 are additive inverse (1/3) + (-1/3) = 0; therefore 1/3 and -1/3 are additive inverse 1 + (-1) = 0; therefore 1 and -1 are additive inverse a + (-a) = 0; therefore a and -a are additive inverse, So, the opposite of -999 is 999; the opposite of 1/3 is -1/3; the opposite of 1 is -1, and the opposite of a is -a.

What is the inverse for numbers under addition?

A number and its additive inverse add up to zero. If a number has no sign, add a "-" in front of it to get its additive inverse. The additive inverse of 5 is -5. The additive inverse of x is -x. If a number has a minus sign, take it away to get its additive inverse. The additive inverse of -10 is 10. The additive inverse of -y is y.

What is the difference between multiplicative inverse and additive inverse?

The multiplicative inverse of a non-zero element, x, in a set, is an element, y, from the set such that x*y = y*x equals the multiplicative identity. The latter is usually denoted by 1 or I and the inverse of x is usually denoted by x-1 or 1/x. y need not be different from x. For example, the multiplicative inverse of 1 is 1, that of -1 is -1.The additive inverse of an element, p, in a set, is an element, q, from the set such that p+q = q+p equals the additive identity. The latter is usually denoted by 0 and the additive inverse of p is denoted by -p.

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