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When given two names (variable expressions) for the same quantity, you can use algebra to solve the equation.

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Q: What is an advantage to using equations?
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Is an advantage to using equations?


What advantage is there to using algebraic equations instead of numerical values when defining the dimensions of a CAD model?

There is none.

What is an advantage to using what equations?

When given two names (variable expressions) for the same quantity, you can use algebra to solve the equation.

How can the mechanical advantage of a pulley system be determined without using any equations?

by seeing how many ropes the pulley has... that is close to the mechannical advantage...or it is it! its a cool trick once you learn it! My science teacher just had us do a project on this!

What is an advantage of using the method of substitution rather than using a graph or table to solve a system of linear equations?

You will obtain a more accurate answer than is possible using graphical methods. It's faster and less work than using a table.

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Which of the following is a disadvantage to using equations?

What are the disadvantages to using equations?

Its harder to solve the equations with grande numbers

What is the difference between inequalities and equations using adding?

equations have an = sign, inequalities do not

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How do you solve 3 dimensional equations?

You can solve the system of equations with three variables using the substitute method, or using matrix operations.

What advantages are there to using a parametric equations or numeric values?

Some curves are easier to describe and perform calculations on if using parametric equations

What are disadvantages to using equations?

None - except that some people are, unreasonably, uncomfortable with equations.