When given two names (variable expressions) for the same quantity, you can use algebra to solve the equation.
You will obtain a more accurate answer than is possible using graphical methods. It's faster and less work than using a table.
Its harder to solve the equations with grande numbers
Equations = the method
Simultaneous equations can be solved using the elimination method.
The answer depends on whether they are linear, non-linear, differential or other types of equations.
There is none.
When given two names (variable expressions) for the same quantity, you can use algebra to solve the equation.
by seeing how many ropes the pulley has... that is close to the mechannical advantage...or it is it! its a cool trick once you learn it! My science teacher just had us do a project on this!
You will obtain a more accurate answer than is possible using graphical methods. It's faster and less work than using a table.
Which of the following is a disadvantage to using equations?
Its harder to solve the equations with grande numbers
equations have an = sign, inequalities do not
What is the advantage of using an PLM
You can solve the system of equations with three variables using the substitute method, or using matrix operations.
Some curves are easier to describe and perform calculations on if using parametric equations
None - except that some people are, unreasonably, uncomfortable with equations.