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I imagine it is irrational in its inception, isn't it?

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Q: What is an alliteration for irrational?
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Alliteration. Repetition of initial consonants or sounds is alliteration, and is very handy for emphasizing a certain phrase, or as a memory aid.

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its called alliteration for example, peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

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Alliteration is a written sound, such as boom, or bang. So the paraphrase of alliteration would be something such as if the alliteration was "crash", the paraphrase alliteration would be something like, " the plates went crash as they hit the floor". So, a paraphrase alliteration is basically a paraphrase with an alliteration.

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There is no alliteration used in the crucible.

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What is the figure of speech for the sentence 'How he roared bellowed and howled'?

Well, darling, that's a classic case of a tricolon. Three verbs in a row like that pack a punch and make the reader sit up and take notice. It's like a verbal fireworks display, but with words instead of colors. So, next time you want to add some oomph to your writing, throw in a tricolon and watch it roar, bellow, and howl its way to success.