An intervening variable is an internal state that is hypothetical in empirical research. It explains the relationships between variables being observed.
The input variable is called the independent variable, and the ouput variable is called the dependent variable.
the input variable is called the independent variable and the output variable is called the dependent variable.
an input variable is an input variable
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An independent variable is a variable which stands independent and is unaffected by other variables. A dependent variable is a variable which is a response to the independent variable, and is usually the factor that is being tested in an experiment.
An example of an intervening variable is stress, which can impact the relationship between hours of sleep and academic performance. In this case, stress mediates the relationship by influencing both the amount of sleep a person gets and their academic performance.
Intervening variables cannot be directly measured because they are theoretical constructs that explain the relationship between the independent and dependent variables in a study. Their impact is inferred based on the relationship between the variables of interest.
An intervening variable is an internal state that is hypothetical in empirical research. It explains the relationships between variables being observed.
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An intervening variable is a hypothetical internal state that is used to explain relationships between observed variables
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Extraneous variable a.k.a. Confounding vaiable is a variable that affects an independent variable n also afects a dependent variable at d same time confounding relatnship btn the independent and dependent variable. Mediating variable a.k.a. Intervening variable, it is a variable forming a link btn two variables that are causualy conected.
motivation to work is a moderating varaible , because it is not aleways consisitent adn there are various factors which go about in making a person work
exampl of intervening words
In experiments, researchers manipulate an independent variable to observe its effect on a dependent variable under controlled conditions. This manipulation is not feasible in the correlational method, which simply looks for relationships between variables without intervening or manipulating them.
The intervening time; as, in the meantime (or mean time)., In the intervening time; during the interval.