a open sen .
7 + 4 = 10 false 5 - 2 = 3 false
5+10=15 true 10 +10=20 true
If "algebra 1 is a title or the beginning of a sentence, then it should be capitalised. If it is in a sentence, but not at the beginning, then it should not be capitalised.
"Open" is a verb in the sentence, "Tell Maxwell to open the door."
Since "pre-" means before, then pre-algebra would be before algebra. Conversely, algebra would be after pre-algebra. Generally, the next class after a pre-algebra class would be Algebra I, followed by Algebra II.
A sentence - whether open or not - cannot be solved.
Pre-algebra preps you for algebra.2nd answer:Pre-AP-algebra is the same as Algebra I. Both are way harder than pre- algebra.
Algebra should only be capitalised if it begins a sentence. Otherwise, it is written as algebra!
If "algebra 1 is a title or the beginning of a sentence, then it should be capitalised. If it is in a sentence, but not at the beginning, then it should not be capitalised.
Not unless it is the beginning of a sentence.
When the word is at the start of a sentence.
Norman has _______ algebra.
Well, algebra is a tool, like the plow or the hammer, and a good tool to those who know how to use it.
I had a very vague understanding of algebra at school today.
In algebra, using the vertex is very important
An example sentence would be: A graphing calculator is an apparatus used for math or algebra.
A open sentence is an equation with one or more variables is an open sentence.
No, "algebra" would not be capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence or part of a title (e.g., "Algebra 1 Class").
His method to figure out the difficult algebra equation was sucessful.