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An ordinate is the "y" co-ordinate of an ordered pair. e.g. in (3,4), 4 is the ordinate. If you are interested the "x" part is called the abscissa.

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Q: What is an ordinate in math?
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The 'co-ordinates' is where the X ordinate, and the Y ordinate meet at a point.

Name all the co-ordinate?

abcissa - x co-ordinate ordinate - y co-ordinate in two dimensional co-ordinate system

How do you convert utm co-ordinate to plant co-ordinate?

no no no

Is the x axis the same as the ordinate?

No the x axis is the abscissa and the y axis the ordinate.

What does x and y- coordinate mean?

x is abscissa and y is ordinate in co ordinate geomentry

Another name for a y coordinate?

Ordinate and Range

How do you solve for the abscissa in a unit circle if the ordinate is given?

abscissa = sqrt[1 - square of the ordinate]

A point having a negative abscissa and negative ordinate is in quadrant?

Coordinate is the common name. Abscissa is used for the information along the X-axis. Ordinate is used for the information along Y-axis. So abscissa is the x co-ordinate, and ordinate is the y co-ordinate. As they are both negative, then the point must be located in the third quadrant.

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# Co-ordinate. # Arrange for orchestra.

How do you use ordinate in a sentence?

Keep in mind that 'ordinate' is a noun and refers to the distance between a point and the x-axis on a Cartesian plane, or the y-coordinate of the point. You could say, then, "The ordinate of point A is (blank)," which would refer to the distance from point A to the x-axis, or if you want to assure that there is no confusion, "The ordinate of point A to the x-axis is (blank)." To my knowledge, that is the only use for the word 'ordinate.'

Where did cauliflower ordinate?

From Barbados.

What is another name for the axis?
