It is part of the inner ear or a leather bag and the question is in the wrong category.
The saccule and utricle are the two sacs found within the vestibule of the inner ear. These sacs are responsible for detecting linear acceleration and head position.
The saccule and utricle are parts of the inner ear. They're in the bony labyrinth of the vestibule.
The utricle and the saccule
Utricle in vestible and saccule in vestibule.
a small anatomical pouch: as a : the part of the membranous labyrinth of the ear into which the semicircular canals open -- called also utriculus b : PROSTATIC UTRICLE
The macula in the utricle and saccule.
The utricle and saccule are both structures found in the inner ear, specifically within the vestibular system. They are responsible for detecting changes in head position and helping to maintain balance and spatial orientation.
They both provide information about changes in velocity when travelling either horizontally or vertically. However, the utricle is more sensitive to horizontal acceleration , whereas the saccule is more sensitive to vertical acceleration.
The vestibule contains the sense organs responsible for balance, the utricle and saccule.
The maculae, or macula is an area in the retina of the eye that is responsible for central vision. There are two main types of maculae: the fovea centralis, which is located at the center of the macula, and the parafovea, which surrounds the fovea. These structures are crucial for detailed vision and color perception.