17/20 is larger than 4/5.
To compare fractions, put them both in a common denominator.
Here, you can multiply 4/5 by 4/4 (equality) to create the fraction 16/20.
17/20 > 16/20
You can create a common denominator for fractions (where one is not a factor of the other) by finding the Least Common Multiple : multiply their uncommon factors by their common factors.
Here, 20 is already a multiple of 5.
four fifths
No! The fraction seven eighths is bigger than the fraction four fifths.
No. 6/8 = 75% of 1 whole 4/5 = 80% of 1 whole
Learn your math...JK 6 and four fifths is written like so: 6.4 so two fifths.
To find out how many fifths are in sixteen twentieths, you need to first simplify both fractions. Sixteen twentieths simplifies to four fifths by dividing both the numerator and denominator by four. Therefore, sixteen twentieths is equivalent to four fifths.
Yes, they are equivalent.
four fifths is bigger
Converting to twentieths it is fifteen twentieths minus sixteen twentieths, so the result is minus one twentieth.
We convert into like terms giving sixteen twentieths minus five twentieths, giving eleven twentieths.
four fifths
four fifths is bigger (4/5)
four fifths
six and eleven twentieths
negative four fifths
Yes, fifths arer bigger chunks than sevenths.