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It's the variable that stays the same.

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Q: What is dependent varibale?
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Related questions

What is a dependent and independent varibale?

An independent variable is the one that you change in the experiment. A dependent variable is the one that you measure, it changes depending on the independent variable.

What is a varibale?

This is what is being tested ,or the if statement...and that is what it is...

Can a quantitative study have an independent and dependent variables?

Yes. The presumed cause is the independent variable and the presumed effect is the dependent varibale. Variablility in the dependent variable is presumed to depend on variablility in the independent variables. It is used more of a direction of influence rather than a cause and effect scenario. Ex. need for increased assistance is dependent on decrease in health. Health is the independent variable and assistance is the dependent.

What does a catagoric varibale mean?

i don’t know i was trying to google the answer and this annoying website will not give it to me

What is mean by machine dependent and indipendent?

dependent mean dependent othewise not dependent

Dependent is classified as a noun and dependent as an adjective. So please clarify if dependent on experience is allowed. Shouldn't the correct usage be dependent on experience?

In your sentence fragment, 'dependent' is used as an adjective: [that person is] dependent on experience. So you use dependent with -ent, not dependant with -ant.

What is the adjective for dependence?


What variable is the data being collected?


What causes change in a dependent variable?

The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependent variable.

How dependent are we on oil?

Currently, very dependent.

What is a dependent marker word?

With is not a dependent marker.

What is a dependent variable is?

is dependent on the independent variable