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The difference between these increases is that 1% increase gives the 101% increase of the original amount of points while 100% basis increase gives the 200% increase of the original amount of points.

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Q: What is difference between 1 percent increase and 100 basis point increase?
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What is the difference between a priority queue and a circular queue?

A circular queue is similar to the normal queue with the difference that queue is circular queue ; that is pointer rear can point to beginning of the queue when it reaches at the end of the queue. A priority queue is a queue in which each element is inserted or deleted on the basis of their priority. A higher priority element is added first before any lower priority element. If in case priority of two element is same then they are added to the queue on FCFS basis (first come first serve).

What is the difference between firewall and ACL?

ACL is not a mahanism it is just permission and ACL do not know that what comes before means if any ACk of TCP comes on the ACL then it's just react as the policy,where as firewall checks all the result of ACK and knows the conversation of TCP from beginning. IN ACL if you are making a policy of any port basis then ACL always have open gate for the same either it is working or not but firewall open the gate at that time when the we require the policy.

What is 5 basis points of 1000000?


How important rectangular coordinate system?

The rectangular coordinate system is the basis for how we find locations on a map, for example (even though the earth is actually a sphere, this was a basis). I would say it is rather important.

What is departmentation by function?

The process of grouping various activities into separate units is called departmentation. Departmentation can be made on the basis of functions or product handled. When the departmentation is done on the basis of functions, it is called functional departmentation. Under this all work of same kind are performed in a particular department. The examples of functional basis departmentation is purchase office, sales office, production department, mailing department and accounts department. When an organisation opens departments on the basis of products, it is called product departmentation. The examples of product departmentation are leather division office and plastic division.

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Realized gain or loss is measured by the difference between the amount realized from the sale or other disposition of property and the property's adjusted basis at the date of dispositionAnswer: TrueRealized gain or loss is the difference between the amount realized and the property's adjusted basis.

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ARB : As Received Basis ADB : Air Dried Basis Note: There is no difference between ARB and ADB both are same only if your are seen the Quality means.

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0,05 of a percentage point, i.e the difference of 0,05%. Basis points (bps) refer to the change of percentages. 1 bp = 0,01% change 1% change = 100 bps (The increase of Interest rate from 3,5% to 3.75% can be described as the increase by 25 basis points.)

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