concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others instead.
diffuse reciprocity means that continuity in the application of the principles of non-discrimination and indivisibility is an essential ingredient of multilateral arrangements.
algebra the branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and relations of numbers; the generalized and extension of arithmetic. - algebraic
Induction is reasoning down to a set of principles, from facts. Deduction is going from a generalized down to particulars.
A relational database system is a set of generalized methods for organizing, storing and retrieving information. For certain types of computer applications, the use of a relational database greatly reduces the time and effort needed to design, write and debug new software, by eliminating the need to develop code to handle storage, sorting and retrieval for each program.
Idempotent Matrix:An idempotent matrix, A, is the specific periodic matrix (see note) where k=1, thus having the property A2=A (we can also say A.A=A).Inverse Matrix:Given a square matrix, A, its inverse is B if AB=BA.Note:A periodic matrix, A, has the property Ak+1=A where k is a positive integer. If k is the least positive integer for which Ak+1=A, then A is said to be of period k.
Generalized reciprocity is when gifts are given without expectations of immediate return of a gift. this is found in all foraging and tribal societies. forms of these type of exchange are still found in modern societies but is focused primarily within a circle of family and friends and is no longer necessary for survival.On the other hand, balanced reciprocity is when gifts are given with explicit expectation of a return gift. gifts do not need to be equivalent value in many cases, and they usually occur between non-blood kin.
You can find general basic information on reciprocity on Wikipedia. Some books on reciprocity are: Reciprocity, by Lawrence Baker, A cooperative species: Human reciprocity by Lawrence Baker, Trust and Reciprocity: Interdisciplinary Lessons for experimental research, by Elinor Ostrom.
Does virginia have reciprocity for tickets with delaware?
in the fraction 9/10 the positive reciprocity is 9
As far as I can tell, none. Of the states that do offer reciprocity, all of them require that the state in which the attorney sits offer reciprocity to them, as well. SD does not allow reciprocity with any state, so no state will allow reciprocity with SD.
generalized species
what in generalized data
Reciprocity is the idea of mutual give-and-take, like if you give me your notes from the class I missed, I'll bake you cookies as reciprocity.
Harold M Pitt has written: 'Reciprocity and the Philippine islands' -- subject(s): Commerce, Reciprocity, Reciprocity (Commerce)
If admitted to practice Law in Indiana is there reciprocity with Massachusetts?
There is no reciprocity between the lawyers of the two states.
Generalized hyperhidrosis may affect the entire body