

What is heritability coefficient?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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total variation in the phenotye (IQ, introvert) that can attribute to genetic rather thatn environmental variation in the population, it is ALWAYS about groups NEVER about specific individual like Me or YOU :-)

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Q: What is heritability coefficient?
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What genetic characteristics come from the bull?

Half the genes a calf gets is from his sire, and the other half from his dam. Some genes will be more dominant than others, depending on which of his parents has the dominant gene, and some, like carcass characteristics from his sire, are more heritable than others. Often a bull that has better genetics than the rest of the cowherd will produce calves that have slightly better genetics than their dams. Some of the more heritable traits that a bull's offspring can receive from him, if he's better quality than the cowherd, are: Lean/bone ratio (60% heritability) Lean percentage (55% heritability) Mature cow weight (50% heritability) Carcass grade (45% heritability) Thickness of outside carcass fat (45% heritability) Dressing percentage (40% heritability) Marbling (40% heritability) Ribeye area (40% heritability) Yearling weight (feedlot)(40% heritability) Yearling weight (pasture (35% heritability) Efficiency of gain (35% heritability) Birth weight (30% heritability) Post-weaning gain (30% heritability) Tenderness (meat quality) (30% heritability) Carcass weight (25% heritability) Weaning weight (25% heritability) Calf survival (10% heritability) Calving interval (10% heritability) Calving ease (10% heritability) The definition of heritability is: "The proportion of the differences among cattle, measured or observed, that is transmitted to the offspring. Heritability varies from 0 to 1. The higher the heritability of a trait, the more accurately does the individual performance predict breeding value and the more rapid should be the response due to selection for that trait."

What is the maximum value for heritability?

Heritablility values range from 0-1 so the maximum value of heritability would be 1.

The current estimate of heritability of intelligence is?


What are the strengths and weaknesses of some of the methods used to determine heritability in humans?

Heritability is the amount of variance in observed demeanors among people that can be explicated by genetics.

What would contribute to an overestimation of heritability?

One of manyÊthings that could contribute to incorrect or overestimation of heritability would be the infuence of environment factors including geographical location.

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Difference between broad sense heritability and narrow sense heritability?

Broad sense heritability A.K.A (H) is the degree in which phenotypic variation is due to genetic factors Narrow sense heritability A.K.A (h) is the degree in which phenotypic variation is due to additive genetic factors. in maths terms... H = Vg/Vt h = Va/Vt Vg= genetic varaition Vt = total variation Va = additive variation

The likelihood of a trait being passed of from parent to offspring?


Is Heritability of all traits the same?

I dont think so..

What s a number that is multiplied by a variable?

A coefficient, possibly.A coefficient, possibly.A coefficient, possibly.A coefficient, possibly.

Heritability refers to the extent to which?

trait differences among individuals are attributable to genetic variations.

What big mistake did Darwin make when he formulated his evolutionary theory?

His mechanism of heritability was wrong.