reluctance, it is the resistance of a magnetic circuit to the establishment of a magnetic flux by a magnetomotive force.
These are the for inverse operations:Multiplications inverse is divisionDivisions inverse is multiplicationAdditions inverse is subtractionSubtractions inverse is addition
There is no inverse for zero.
The inverse of sin inverse (4/11) is simply 4/11.
The general multiplicative inverse of xy is y-1x-1. The additive inverse is -xy
inverse log of -2.6
In my field, applied electromagnetics, reluctance is the inverse of inductance and carries the unit 'Sturgeon'
Inductance is inductance, and is not a function of frequency. Frequency affects reactance, and ultimately impedance, not inductance.
Type your answer here... By use an inductance meter or an inductance bridge
It is used to measure the inductance of a coil of unknown inductance.
Inductance is measured in henrys.
what factors on inductance drepends
The voltage across the inductance alone will be(value of the inductance) times (the rate at which the current through it changes)
Inductance is the result of energy being stored in a magnetic field. You can't have a magnetic field without inductance.
inductor is a electronic component that resist a change in the flow of current inductance is that property of inductor.
The reciprocal of capacitance is elastance. This is perhaps more convenient for circuit analysis than capacitance. In a circuit, a capacitor can be neglected if the elastance is set to zero. In the same way, a resistor/inductor can be ignored if its resistance/inductance is set to zero.