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(m-2)/(m+2) * m/(m-1) = [(m-2)*m]/[(m+2)*(m-1)] = (m2 - 2m)/m2 + m - 2)

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Q: What is m-2 over m plus 2 times m over m-1?
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What is the difference between M1 and M2?

What is the difference between M1 and M2?

What represents the correct relationship between the slopes of perpendicular lines?

If the slopes are m1 and m2 then m1*m2 = -1 or m2 = -1/m1.

What is the difference between the M1 and M2 money supply?

M1 is what is outside the banking system: Your cash, coins, your checking account. M2 is: All of M1 plus, savings accounts, money in banks, small time deposits...etc .

If the m1 equals SA and m3 equals 23 what is the m?

if(m1>m2) f=m1; s=(m2>m3)?m1!m3 what its meaning of this?

What are differences between M1 money and M2 money?

M1 money is transaction money, It includes: Coins of all denominations, Paper money including all types of notes, Checking accounts and Traveler's checks. M2 money is M1 money plus Close substitutes ( savings accounts/deposits).

How much would an object weigh if it were four times farther from the center of the earth?

weight, w = G * m1 * m2 / r^2, where G = the universal gravitational constant, m1 = the mass of the object, m2 = the mass of the earth, and r = the separation between the center of gravity of the object and that of the earth. w1 = G * m1 * m2 /(r1^2) -- > the weight when r = r1 w2 = G * m1 * m2 /(r2^2) -- > the weight when r = r2 Given: r2 = 4 * r1 w2 = G * m1 * m2 /(16 r1^2) = w1 / 16 Hence, the object will be 16 times lighter when it is situated 4 times farther away.

How many boxes of book paper can be printed by M1 in 10 hours or 120x plus 160 hours or 30x squared plus 40x hours M1 can print a box of paper in 3 hours while M2 can be done in 3x plus 20 hours?

*Edit* M2 can print a box of paper in 3x plus 20 hours.

What happens to the gravitational force when the distance between the 2 objects is trippled?

The force, written as an equation, is:F = G (m1)(m2) / r2, whereF is the Force between the massesG is the gravitational constant (~= 6.674 x 10-11 N m2/kg2)m1 is one of the massesm2 is the other massr is the distance between the masses (center to center)Take the formula, and solve for r (I'll show the steps): Fold = G (m1)(m2) / r2.(r2)(Fold)= G (m1)(m2)(r2)= G (m1)(m2) / (Fold)r= √ [ G (m1)(m2) / (Fold) ]Plug the formula into itself, but remember, r = 3r (it tripled).Fnew= G (m1)(m2) / (3r)2.Fnew= G (m1)(m2) /(3√ [ G (m1)(m2) / (Fold) ])2.Fnew=G (m1)(m2)/(32G (m1)(m2) / (Fold) )

How do you write c code for ternary search?

this procedure work for ternary search int tsearch(int *a,int i,int j,int k) { int m1,m2,len; len = j - i + 1 ; m1=i + (int)floor((float)(len))/3; m2=i + (int)ceil((float)(len))/3; if(k==a[m1]) { printf("\nno found at %d",m1); return m1; } else if(k==a[m2]) { printf("\nno found at %d",m2); return m2; } if(len!= 0) { if(k<a[m1]) return(tsearch(a,i,m1-1,k)); if(k>a[m2]) return(tsearch(a,m2+1,j,k)); } else return -1 ; }

Two billiard balls of equal mass undergo a perfectly elastic head collision. What will be their speeds after the collision.?

The velocities of the two bodies after the elastic collisions are given by V1=(M1-M2)U1/(M1+M2)+2M2U2/(M1+M2) V2=(M2-M1)U2/(M1+M2)+2U1M1/(M1+M2) Where, V1,V2 are the velocities of the two bodies after collision. U1,U2 are the velocities of the two bodies before colision.(U1>U2) M1,M2 are the masses of the two bodies. when the mass of two bodies are equal that is M1= M2 then V1=0+2MU2/2M=U2 V2=0+2MU1/2M=U1 Thus when two billiard balls of equal masses undergo perfectly elastic collision the velocities the two bodies are interchanged after the collision.

Why are m3 and m2 higher than m1?

because 3>2>1 ? Other than that, depends on what m1,m2 and m3 represent.

Factors that affect gravity between objects?

The force of gravity is F=G*m1*m2/r^2 G is the universal gravitation constant 6.67*10^-11 m^3kg^-1s^-2 m1, m2 are the masses of the two objects, r is the separation. The force on m1 acts in the direction of m2, and the force on m2 acts in the direction of m1.