

Best Answer

Pre-algebra is an entire course of work that takes the typical middle-school student a year to cover. If you are a homeschooler, I suggest you go to the bookstore and buy an armload of books, from standard school texts to the myriad "for dummies" books and their ilk. Video tapes and DVDs are also available. You may also be able to find courses from your local community college on TV occasionally. Not many kids have the ability to teach themselves math; they usually require a teacher or tutor. So if your parents can't teach you, you may have to find a homeschool support group.

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Where can one find more information on Prealgebra?

The 'Math' website not only contains instructional and practice material on Prealgebra, but every level of math, from kindergarten to college, and all of it for free.

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Science, Soc.Studies, Math/PreAlgebra, and Communication Arts

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It is 100 If you need more answers go to under prealgebra.

In the prealgebra math caching from mathbitsdotcom what is the answer to box 7?

Box 7 code is 15730, boz 8 code is 118165.

How do you know when a chart is function prealgebra?

If you put a vertical ruler anywhere on the chart, it hits the chart line at most once.

How many ways can the letters in prealgebra can arranged?

The number of permutations of the letters in PREALGEBRA is the same as the number of permutations of 10 things taken 10 at a time, which is 3,628,800. However, since the letters R, E, and A, are repeated, R=2, E=2, A=2, you must divide that by 2, and 2, and 2 (for a product of 8) to determine the number of distinctpermutations, which is 453,600.

Is a 85 average for the year good in 7th grade pre-algebra?

No because prealgebra is the easiest class ever. Algebra 1 honors is way harder

What does suffix mean when filling out a from?

example: in the word prealgebra, pre would be the prefix because its the letters before the root word. Not all words have prefixes tho.