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The graph of a relationship in which two variables are in direct proportion is a straight line through the origin, whose slope = the rate of change = the constant of proportionality.

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Q: What is relationship among proportional relationships lines rates of change and slope?
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What is the relationship among proportional relationships lines rates of change and slope?

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What are relationships in data base management system?

Before knowing relationship we must know the Entity.An entity is a thing or object in the real world that is ditinguishable from other things or objects. A relationship is an association among several such entities. e.g. we can define a relationship that associate customer john in a bank to loan number L-234 in a bank. Set of relationships of same type is called as the relationship set.

What is the connection or relationship between gender peace and development?

The connection of relationships is the connection between a woman and a man. The relationship between gender and relationships plus peace is that we all need it survive we need peace among a female and male we need each other to reproduce and that all ties together for survival

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this method provides an explanation about the extent of relationship between two or more variables. it examines the relationships including similarities or differences among several variables.

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