The scientific notation for 3134000000 is 3.134 x 10^9.
The format 9-9 indicates that you want to extract the 9th root of 9. 9-9= 2.58 x 10-9 or in non-scientific notation 0.00000000258 Extending the precision of the value in the scientific notation beyond 2.58 is not warrentedas the accuracy expressed in the question is only 9 not 9.00 or better
1 thru 9
It must begin with a digit from 1 to 9 followed by a decimal point:- So: 4,700,000 = 4.7*106 in scientific notation or standard form this means that the decimal point must move over to the right by 6 places to come back to the original number
1.0 × 10-9 written in standard notation is: 0.0000000010
The scientific notation for 3134000000 is 3.134 x 10^9.
The number 3134000000 can be written as 3.13 X 10^9 in scientific notation.
3134000000 = 3.134 × 10^9.
9 * 1010. Because there are 10 zeros in the number.
This is scientific notation. This means 9 followed by 23 zeros.900 000 000 000 000 000 000 000nine hundred hextillion
1.4246 x 10^9
3.482 x 10^9
639 000 in scientific notation is written as 6.39 x 105.
5.87*109 by moving the decimal point 9 places to the left and multiplying it by 10 to the power of 9
The scientific notation for the number 9 is: 9 x 100
9 billion written in scientific notation is: 9 x 10^9
4275000000 in scientific notation is written as 4.275 Γ 10^9.