yes 0.25 is smaller than 0.9
how do you calculate if 0.08 is larger or smaller than 0.18
0.1 is 0.02 smaller than 0.12
it is larger.
In that case, the result will be smaller than your positive whole number.
Methane, CH4
A newton is larger than a dyne and smaller than a kilogram-force.
it can get smaller than an atom
Ofcourse sea is smaller than an ocean
Mars is smaller than Earth. Its diameter is about half the size of Earth's, making it the fourth smallest planet in our solar system.
A trout is smaller than a shark.
a milliliter is smaller than a liter
0.01 is smaller than 0.2
0.31 is 0.39 smaller than 0.7
Smaller. Smaller. Smaller. Smaller.
Meteoroids are smaller than asteroids; most are smaller than the size of a pebble.
Mercury is more than 2x smaller than Earth.