frac·tion·al (frksh-nl)adj.1. Of, relating to, or constituting a fraction.
2. Very small; insignificant: a minor candidate's fractional share of the vote.
3. Being in fractions or pieces.
fraction·al·ly adv.
No. It is not an adverb. Assignment is a noun form of the verb assign and there is no direct adverb form.
No it is not. Largest is an adjective. The adverb form is largely.
No, it is not an adverb. Stronger is the comparative form of the adjective strong. The related adverb form would be "more strongly."
Yes, it is an adverb. It is the superlative form of "distinctly." (Put another way, it is the adverb form of the adjective "most distinct.")
9.67 in fraction form is 967/100 in fraction form
Yes, the ordinal number seventh (7th) can be an adverb. It can also be an adjective (e.g. seventh child) or a noun (as for the fraction one seventh).*The other adverb form "seventhly" is very seldom seen.
No, it is not an adverb. Fraction is a noun (a part). The word has come to be used as a verb, rather than the original, which is "fracture."
The adverb form of noisy is noisily.
Heavily is the adverb form of heavy.Heavily
No, it is an adjective. Anonymously is the adverb form.
It can be either an adverb (finished third) or an adjective (third place). The noun form can mean number three (the third of the month) or a fraction (one third, two thirds).
The related adverb form is decreasingly. It is the adverb form of the present participle, decreasing. The past participle, decreased, does not form an adverb.
The adverb form is incessantly.
The adverb form is originally.
The adverb form is originally.
The adverb form is secondarily.