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When browsing the internet in IE8, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera and most any other browser, Ctrl + H will open up the browsing history

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Q: What is the answer to Ctrl plus H?
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Do I Have to type in 'ctrl plus h' to show browser's history?

Just hold down the ctrl button and press the letter h

What is a way to access the replace function?

Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.Press the Ctrl - H key combination.

What does ctrl plus do?

ctrl an plus zoom the screen in an ctrl minus dezooms it

How do you replace the word text with the word content in excel?

Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.Use Find and Replace. Press and hold Ctrl and then the H key.

How do you undo the ctrl plus shift plus equals?

ctrl shift - reverses the effect of ctrl shift =

What does CTRL plus R do?

ctrl plus r reloads a webpage.

Where is The Replace button is found?

On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.On the Edit menu. You can also get it by pressing the Ctrl - H key combination.

What does Ctrl plus C?

Ctrl + 1

What is ctrl plus shift plus plus sign at the same time for?

It makes what is on the screen bigger. Another way to do it is ctrl + plus or ctrl + scroll wheel up/down.

What does Ctrl plus equals key effect?

It increases the magnification of the screen. CTRL plus _ does the reverse.

What is Ctrl plus j in keyboard shortcut?

Ctrl plus J is used to justify text or a paragraph.

What happens when you press Ctrl plus N?

Ctrl plus N opens a new window in a browser.