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The area of a circle with a diameter of 6.5 is: 33.18 square units.

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Q: What is the area of a circle that has a diameter of 6 12?
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What is the area of a 12 ft diameter circle?

Area of a Circle = (pi)(r^2) Diameter = 2r If the diameter of the circle is 12, then the radius has to be 6. If the area of a circle is pi times the square of the radius, and the square of 6 is 36 (6x6), then the area of the circle is 36pi.

What is the area of a circle with a 12 inch diameter?

A circle with a diameter of 12 inches has an area of 113.1 square inches.A circle has an area equal to its radius squared times pi. Your circle has a radius of 6 inches (half the diameter)6 X 6 X 3.14159...=113.097336

If a circle has a diameter of 6 what is the area?

12? maybe? or 24? or 18?


Area of the circle: pi*6 squared = 36*pi square inches

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 6 Cm?

The area of a circle with a diameter of 6 cm is: 28.27 cm2

The diameter of a circle is 12 cm what is its radius?

If the diameter is 12 cm the radius is 6 cm.

If a circle has a diameter of 6 what is the area enclosed?

A circle with a diameter of 6 units has an area of 28.27 square units.

Find the area of a circle with a diameter of 6?

The area of a circle with a diameter of 6 units is: 28.27 square units.

What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 6 feet?

A circle with a diameter of 6 feet has an area of 28.27 square feet.

What is the area of a circle whose diameter is 6 mm?

The area of a circle whose diameter is 6 mm is: 28.27 mm2

If the diameter of a circle is 12 then what is the radius of the circle?

the radius is one half the diameter,or 6

How big is a circle if it's 12 x 12?

12 x 12 sounds like a square, not like a circle. To specify a circle, you need a single number, for example the radius or the diameter. Assuming the diameter is 12, the radius would be half of that (6 units). The "size" of the circle can be considered this radius (6), the diameter (12), or the area calculated by the formula pi * radius * radius.