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196 feet of course. For a circle "perimeter" and "circumference" are just two words for the same thing.

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Q: What is the circumference of a circle with a perimeter of 196 linear feet?
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What is the circumference of a circle with a perimeter of 162 linear feet?

Perimeter is the distance around something. In the case of a circle (or other curved figures), this is simply called the perimeter, so I would say perimeter is the same as circumference. Except that it is uncommon to call the circumference of a circle the "perimeter".

What is the value and perimeter if the circumference of a circle if it is 3 ft?

The circumference of a circle is the same as the perimeter of a circle, so the perimeter and circumference would both be 3 ft.

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 5 feet?

The circumference is pi times the diameter of the circle. Diameter is twice the radius, so the diameter is 10 feet. With pi approximately 3.14, the circumference (linear feet perimeter) is 31.4 feet.

How many linear feet are there in a 3 foot circle?

The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 3 feet is 9.4 feet.

How many linear feet are in a 20 foot diameter circle?

There are 20 linear feet across the diameter; and 20π ≈ 62.83 linear feet around the circumference.

How many linear feet does it take to make a circle 18 inches in circumference?

The circumference is approx 4.71 feet.

How many lineal feet around a 5 foot circle?

If the circle is 5 feet around the circumference then there are 5 linear feet in the circumference. If you are asking what is the circumference of a circle with a 5 foot diameter then the answer is Pi x d

What is the circumference of a shoe?

you cant have a circumference for something that isn't a circle, it would be perimeter, which would depend on the size of your feet

If the base of a semicircle is a feet What is its perimeter?

The circumference of a circle = 2π r = π a (where a is the base of the semicircle and is also the diameter of the circle) The perimeter of the semicircle = half the perimeter of the circle + the base length The perimeter of the semicircle = πa/2 + a = a(1 + π /2) feet

How many linear feet in a 31 foot diameter circle?

The circumference of a circle with a 31 foot diameter is 97.4 feet, approx.

How many linear feet in a 24 foot diameter circle?

Circumference of the circle in feet = 24*pi Area of the circle in square feet = pi*122

How many linear feet are in 157 diameter?

To find the linear feet in a given diameter, you need to know the circumference (or perimeter) of the object. The formula to calculate the circumference is circumference = π × diameter. Without the circumference, it is not possible to determine the linear feet.