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circumference = 11*3.14 = 34.54 cm

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Q: What is the circumference of and area of circle having the given diameter use 3.14 for n d equals 11 cm?
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What the formula to find perimeter of circle?

Circumference of a CircleThe distance around a circle. It is equal to Pi () times the diameter of the circle. Pi or is a number that is approximately 3.14159. Example:What is the circumference of a circle having a diameter of 7.9 cm, to the nearest tenth of a cm? Using an approximation of 3.14159 for , and the fact that the circumference of a circle is times the diameter of the circle, the circumference of the circle is Pi × 7.9 3.14159 × 7.9 = 24.81…cm, which equals 24.8 cm when rounded to the nearest tenth of a cm.or you could just measure it using a string and save yourself the math

What is the circumference of a circle having a diameter of 12 feet?

approximately 37.7 feet

What is the area and circumference of 30.5meters using 3.14 having a solution?

Area of a circle = pi*radius squared Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

What is the definition of diameter?

The diameter of a circle is the length of any line segment drawn through the center of the circle and having endpoints on the line that defines the circumference of the circle. It can also be defined as twice the radius of the circle, with a radius being a line segment with an endpoint at the center of the circle and one on the circumference of the circle.Diameter is a length measurement

What is A line segment drawn through the center of the circle with endpoint on the circle?

A line segment drawn through the centre of a circle and having endpoints on the circumference of that circle is called the diameter. Notably, a line segement with one endpoint at the centre of the circle and one anywhere on the circumference of the circle is called the radius, and is exactly half the length of the diameter.

What is the circumference of a circle that has a diameter of 11 millimeters?

The circumference of a circle is pi times the diameter. Most people, especially students should remember the value of pi. Having given these clues do you think you can find the circumference. I am sure you can. Good luck!

What is the definition of radius in math having to do with distance?

The radius is half the diameter or the the distance from the center of the circle to any point on the circumference.

How do you find the radius of a circle having the circumfernce?

Divide the circumference by Pi (3.14159), and that will give you the diameter. Divide that number by 2 to find the radius.

How do you get pi if you have 5 and a half centimeters as your diameter and 20 and a half centimeters as your circumference?

The formula is pi = C divided by D where C is the circumference and D is the diameter. If pi is represented by n, then the formula gives the result: π = 20.5cm / 5.5cm = 20.5/5.5 = 3.72727272 which is the wrong for pi, so anything that is round and looks like a circle having those measurements is not a very good circle, it is more like an oval. If the circumference of a perfect circle is 20.5 cm then the diameter is given by C divided by π = 6.5253 cm and if 5.5cm is the diameter of a perfect circle its circumference is given by C= π times D = 17.2788 cm. π = 20.5 cm / 6.5255 cm = 17.29 / 5.5=3.1416...

How many square meters in a circle having a diameter of 1.4732 meters?

a circle having a diameter of 1.4732 meters has an area of about 1.7 square meters.

what is sqrt(2)?

Perhaps, related to "What is arccos(sqrt(Pi)/2)?" ... which is the trigonometric function that defines the vertex angle of a Pythagorean triangle that squares the circle: arccos(.88622692545275801364908374167057..) = 27.597112635690604451732204752339.. degrees. For a circle having a diameter equal to 2, the triangle's long side (circle's chord; side of its square) = sqrt(Pi) and its hypotenuse = 2 (circle's diameter), with the vertex point on the circumference.

What is the radius of a circle having circumference equal 36 pie?

The radius is 18.