Complementary angle to which angle?
Complementary angle of 74.2 degrees is (90 - 74.2) = 15.8 degrees
Complementary angles add to 90 degrees so the complementary angle to 70 degrees has a measure of 20 deg.
Difference between two complementary angle is 60 degree find its angle
Angles are complementary if they summate to the measure of a right angle (90 degrees). 90 - .01 = 89.99
Complementary angle to which angle?
An obtuse angle has no complementary angle.
The complementary angle is 15 degrees.
The complementary angle is 67 degrees.
90 minus A = complementary angle
The complementary angle is 7 degrees.
90 minus A = complementary angle
Angles can be complementary. A 100 degree angle is a complementary angle to an 80 degree angle in geometry studies.
The complementary angle is 56 degrees.
Complementary angles total 90°. The complementary angle of 27° is 90 -27 = 63°.
No angle can be complementary to a 140 degree angle, as the sum of complementary angles is 90 degrees. But angles which are supplementary to each other add together to form a 180 degree angle.
No, they are supplementary, not complementary.