Two equations, solve for x
1°= x radians
90° = π/2 radians
1/90 = x/(π/2)
π/2 = 90x
x = π/180 ~= 0.01745 radians
Therefore: 1°= π/180 radians ~= 0.01745 radians
or easier to remember: 180° = π radians
Switching the equation around:
1 radian = (180/π)° ~= 57.2958°
It is an old convention where everything is perfect like a circle, and each year have 360 days (for some reason). The ancients decided to make the unit to measure angles using this system, defining the angle of a full rotation is the godly number 360, and then split down. Now, a more useful and intuitive definition is given, called a radian measure. Where the radian measure of a full rotation as the circumference of the UNIT CIRCLE (circle with radius 1), which is 2 pi.
x*pi / 180 -420*3.14 / 180 = -7.33
A complete circle is 360°, which is equal to 2π radians.To convert from degrees to radians, multiply by π radians per 180°.To convert from radians to degrees, multiply by 180° per π radians.
sin(49) = - 0.9537526528 ------------------------------In radian mode. sin(49) = 0.7547095802 -----------------------------In degree mode.
Degree measure is based off of a division of 360 degrees in a circle. Radian measure is based off of a division of 2PI in a full circle.
One radian is equal to roughly 57 degrees!
Degrees = (180/pi)*Radians
Multiply the degree measure by (1/(180 times pi))
You must multiply that by pi/180, to convert to radians.
Any angle can be measured in degrees or in radians.But the question seems to be: What are corresponding radian measures for the angles expressed in degrees? To that question there is no answer because the possible list of "degree angles" to be expressed in radians would be unlimited.
-1.257 radian
radian = 180/2pi degrees
The radian measure IS the arc length of the unit circle, by definition - that is how the radian is defined in the first place.