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Q: What is the dependent variable in what's the fastest way to cool a soda?
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What is a dependent and indenpendent variale?

A dependent variable is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent variable without an independent variable. Example: You are interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your independent variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart rate. You can directly manipulate stress levels in your human subjects and measure how those stress levels change heart rate.

What is the dependent variable for keep your candy cool with the power of evaporation?

go find the answer youreself lazy dick

What is the difference between the controlled variable and an independent variable?

A controlled variable is one which you try to keep constant. The independent variable is the on that you change. The dependent variable is the one you measure. For instance, how much will a drink cool down in one minute when you add a certain number of ice cubes to it? The independent variable is the number of ice cubes. The dependent variable is the temperature drop. There are many possible controlled variables: the starting temp of the drink, the size of the ice cubes, the type of glass, the air temperature, and so on. See related link below.

What is the fastest atlete?

Every is cool

Is billa cool?

Yes, billa is cool and hes the worlds fastest man

What can you write as conclusion for the project on what's the fastest way to cool a soda?

Our data shows that the fastest way to cool a soda is when you place it into an ice in water bath. This shows that our hypothesis was correct, which states that the fastest way to cool a soda was the ice in water bath.

Where can you buy cool iPhone cases?

"Cool" is just a variable, like "hep", cat.

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hey whats sup!

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They have the fastest Internet connection in the world.

What is the fastest way to cool a soda can at a science fair?

Drink it

What is the independent variable for keep your candy cool with the power of evaporation?

hypothesis of candy cool with the power of evaporation

How do you cool a Jack Russell down?

Give them a cool bath, let them wade in a pool, spray them with cool water. Applying cool water to the chest of a dog will cool off the fastest.