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Plot the two points, and you'll see that they are not the same point. Remember that the first number is for the first coordinate (usually to the right), and the second number is for the second coordinate (usually upwards).

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Q: What is the difference between plotting (2 3) and (3 2) on a coordinate plane?
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What is the difference between coordinate system and coordinate plane?

The coordinate system can be in any number of dimensions whereas the coordinate plane is a 2-dimensional concept.

What is the difference between the Cartesian plane and Coordinate plane?

points of co-ordinates plane are represent by cartesian

What is the process of locating the position of a point on a coordinate plane?

Graphing or plotting.

How do you get from one point to another on a coordinate plane?

By plotting the coordinates of a straight line equation.

What is the difference between the cartesian and coordinate plane?

points of co-ordinates plane are represent by cartesian

Why he invented cartesian coordinate?

The Cartesian coordinate plane was invented by the French mathematician Rene Descartes for plotting geometrical lines and shapes on it.

What does the math term graph mean?

it means that you are plotting the points on a graph, or XY coordinate plane

What is it called when you place a dot at a point named by an ordered pair?

This is called plotting the point on the Cartesian or coordinate plane.

How do you find the vertical rise?

The rise, or vertical difference, between two points on the coordinate plane is the difference i their y-coordinates.

What is the difference between a coordinate grid and a coordinate plane?

A coordinate grid has just one large section displaying data varying from (0,0) to (infinity,infinity). On the other hand, a coordinate plane is much different. A coordinate plane has four sections, (+,+), (+,-), (-,+), and (-,-). Theese four sections are all in oposite corners of a grid. I hope this helped!!

What is the definition for plotting points?

Plotting points is the process of locating and marking specific coordinates on a graph or a coordinate plane. Each point is represented by an ordered pair (x, y), where x indicates the horizontal position and y indicates the vertical position. By plotting points, you can visually represent data and relationships between variables.

What does the word graph mean in algebra terms?

It means that you should draw the equation (or set of points) given by plotting it on a two-dimensional coordinate plane.