vertical lines run from top to bottom, horizontal lines run from left to right
the difference between the two is 90 degrees if you place vertical lines next to horizontal lines.
Orgin is the intersection of horizontal and vertical number lines.
Vertical, horizontal, and all others, sometimes called skewed.
two vertical at one third and two thirds the distance from a side and one horizontal in the middle (or two horizontal one vertical)
There is only one set of perpendicular lines in a right triangle; the horizontal line and the vertical line that make it 90 degrees.
Longitude are the vertical lines found in a map or globe while latitude are the horizontal lines.
horizontal lines are lines which may be at the angle of 00,1800,3600.if vertical lines stand on horizontal lines it is in the angle of 900
Orgin is the intersection of horizontal and vertical number lines.
Non-vertical lines could be slanted or horizontal.
Lines of longitude are vertical but they measure horizontal distance(In degrees,not kilometers or miles)between Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) and you so the lines are vertical,not horizontal. However,longitude measures horizontal distance,not vertical distance.
The horizontal lines on a network diagram are called rows, and they represent the different entities or components in the network. The vertical lines are called columns, and they show the relationships or connections between the entities.
Horizontal is X-Axis and Vertical is Y-Axis.
horizontal lines represent latitude and vertical lines represent longitude
No. Horizontal lines have zero slope. Vertical lines have infinite slope.
Yes, but only if they are exactly vertical and exactly horizontal (90 degrees angular difference). For real-world examples, many vertical lines can be perpendicular to a single "horizontal" curved line at the points of intersection.
No, a non-square rectangle has two: the horizontal and the vertical. A square has four lines of symmetry: the horizontal, the vertical, and two diagonal lines.